
Feel your BEST,
feel your OPTIMUM




Start your treatment now

with the Optimum Welcome Pack, an exclusive box that includes a limited edition bottle to store your capsules, a refill of60 capsules, and an information booklet.



Are now available

Your Optimum refills are now available for you to continue your treatment.



Legend has it that over the Atlantic it rains mermaid tears. The strong wind sare their sighs, and the dense fog the fluttering of their tails. It is a magical gift they offer us so the best of nature can flourish in their wild waters and lands.

After decades of research, Hifas da Terra has created OPTIMUM, a product that fuses the entirety of ancient wisdom so that you can enjoy the true luxury of feeling good.

Each active ingredient has been selected based on cogent science. You will feel their effects in your body and mind as they balance your immune and digestive systems, providing the vitality you need and enhancing your beauty in the most natural way.




Hifas da Terra is a leading multinational biotech company specializing in the development of medicinal mushroom-based products for human health. This know-how is the result of over 23 years of experience in research and development. Our dedication to science and the creation of effective products positions Hifas da Terra as an industry leader, distinguished by its trailblazing innovation, R&D, and sustainability.



  • Extracto ecológico de Cordyceps
    Cordyceps sinensis

    El hongo medicinal de la vitalidad. Posee propiedades como antifatiga, aumenta la líbido y promueve la fertilidad. Además, aporta beneficios a nivel deportivo en la oxigenación y la generación de ATP (energía).  Se considera un potente antiviral propuesto por los estudios para ayudarnos tanto a defendernos como a recuperarnos del COVID.  El Cordyceps contiene varios activos naturales, de los cuales la cordicepina se considera el más vital para la salud y el bienestar. Desde la década de los 80 se han contabilizado más de 2.000 artículos científicos sobre este hongo.

  • Organic Cordyceps extract
    Cordyceps sinensis

    The medicinal mushroom of vitality. It has anti-fatigue properties, increases libido and promotes fertility. It also provides athletic benefits through oxygenation and the generation of ATP (energy). It is considered a potent antiviral and studies suggest it helps defend against and recover from COVID. Cordyceps contains several natural active ingredients, of which cordycepin is considered the most vital for health and well-being. Since the 1980s, more than 2,000 scientific papers have been written about this fungus.

  • Extracto ecológico de Melena de león
    Hericium erinaceus

    Hongo medicinal destacado por su efecto prebiótico que ayuda a equilibrar nuestra microbiota intestinal, es nuestro segundo cerebro. Sus componentes activos como el GABA, las herinacinas y las ericenonas actúan conectando y regulando nuestro eje intestino-cerebro.  Es, por ello, que ayuda tanto en digestiones pesadas y a nivel intestinal como a mejorar nuestra memoria y a estar más concentrados en el día a día.

  • Organic Lion’s Mane extract
    Hericium erinaceus

    A medicinal mushroom noted for its prebiotic effect, which helps balance our gut microbiota, the body’s second brain. Active components, such as GABA, herinacins, and ericenones, serve to connect and regulate the gut-brain axis, help to ease heavy digestion and intestinal disorders, and improve memory and focus in daily life.

  • Extracto ecológico de Reishi
    Ganoderma lucidum

    Conocido como el hongo de la inmortalidad, es el hongo medicinal antiaging por excelencia que nos ayuda a mantenernos eternamente jóvenes gracias a su alto poder antioxidante.  Además, contiene activos naturales calmantes que regulan nuestro estado de ánimo durante todo el día, combatiendo el estrés y ayudándonos a conciliar el sueño. El Reishi es el hongo medicinal con mayor evidencia científica como antiinflamatorio natural y es un inmunomodulador utilizado en la medicina tradicional china desde tiempos remotos que potencia nuestras defensas. También es uno de los hongos medicinales estudiados para combatir los virus del entorno, tales como el COVID y ayudar a su recuperación. Gracias a sus amplias propiedades, su suplementación promueve un estado de bienestar óptimo e integral.

  • Organic Reishi extract
    Ganoderma lucidum

    Known as the mushroom of immortality, Reishi is the quintessential anti-aging medicinal mushroom that will help you stay forever young thanks to its high antioxidant power. It also contains natural calming active ingredients that regulate mood throughout the day, combating stress and facilitating asleep. The Reishi medicinal mushroom is backed by the strongest scientific evidence of its natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is an immunomodulator that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times to enhance our defences. It is also one of the medicinal mushrooms studied to combat environmental viruses, such as COVID, and aid in recovery. Thanks to its wide-ranging properties, its use promotes an optimal and holistic state of well-being.

  • Saúco
    Sambucus nigra

    El saúco o Eldelberry (en inglés) es un arbusto con flores blancas y bayas negras de alto contenido en compuestos antioxidantes que favorece el sistema inmunológico. Destacan las antocianinas y los compuestos fenólicos que ayudan tanto a nuestras defensas, como a nuestra piel, retrasando el envejecimiento de los tejidos y del cuerpo, por lo que previene una larga lista de enfermedades. Las flores son lo más apreciado y se han usado en la medicina tradicional popular en jarabes e infusiones para combatir resfriados, infecciones o reuma. Los estudios actuales, como el ensayo realizado en la Universidad de Bucarest, corrobora que el extracto de saúco es capaz de incrementar el número de glóbulos blancos que luchan contra virus y bacterias.

  • Elderberry
    Sambucus nigra

    Elderberry is a shrub with white flowers and black berries high in antioxidant compounds that benefit the immune system. It is noted for its an thocyanins and phenolic compounds, which will help our defences and skin, delaying tissue and body ageing and thus preventing a long list of diseases. The prized flowers are used in traditional folk medicine for syrups and infusions to combat colds, infections, and rheumatism. Current studies, such as the trial conducted at the University of Bucharest, indicate that elderberry extract can increase the number of white blood cells that fight against viruses and bacteria.

  • Lactobacillus plantarum

    Lactobacillus plantarum is a beneficial bacterium that lives naturally in our gut microbiota. It is one of the most widely studied bacteria and is popularly used as a probiotic to balance gut microbiota and regulate intestinal transit. Nurturing our microbiota is key to having a prepared defence system and maintaining optimal gut health. The versatile Lactobacillus plantarum is highly capable of surviving in the gastrointestinal tract. According to several experts, the adhesive properties of L. plantarum make it a powerful tool for fighting infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli, while repairing the intestinal lining. Studies also show that it secretes antimicrobial substances, helping to inhibit the formation of harmful bacteria. In addition, several studies suggest that L.plantarum is able to survive in harsh environments, including when antibiotics are taken, so this probiotic will weather an onslaught of antibiotics to maintain our long-term health.

  • Lactobacillus plantarum

    Lactobacillus plantarum es una bacteria beneficiosa que vive naturalmente en nuestra microbiota intestinal. Es una de las más estudiadas y se utiliza ampliamente como probiótico para equilibrar la microbiota y regular el tránsito intestinal. El cuidado de la microbiota es clave para tener las defensas preparadas y mantener una salud intestinal óptima.  Lactobacillus plantarum es versátil y tiene una alta capacidad de sobrevivir en el tracto gastrointestinal. Según varios especialistas, las propiedades adhesivas de L.plantarum la convierten en una poderosa herramienta para combatir infecciones causadas por bacterias patógenas como la E.Coli, al tiempo que repara el revestimiento intestinal. Los estudios también muestran cómo segrega sustancias antimicrobianas que ayudan a inhibir la formación de bacterias dañinas. Además, varios estudios han demostrado que L.plantarum es capaz de sobrevivir en entornos difíciles, incluyendo cuando existe la toma de antibióticos por lo que este probiótico sobrevivirá al ataque de los antibióticos, manteniendo nuestra salud a largo plazo.

  • Lactobacillus brevis

    Lactobacillus brevis, a beneficial bacterium with probiotic properties, lives naturally in both gut and vaginal microbiota. It can also be found in many different environments, such as fermented foods—kefir, sauerkraut, pickles—inless concentrated levels than a food supplement. Its use as a probiotic has been shown to improve immune function and has been patented several times.

  • Lactobacillus brevis

    Lactobacillus brevis es una bacteria beneficiosa que vive naturalmente en nuestra microbiota intestinal y vaginal, y posee propiedades probióticas. También puede encontrarse en muchos ambientes diferentes, tales como alimentos fermentados; agua de kéfir, chucrut y encurtidos, pero menos concentrada que en un complemento alimenticio. Su suplementación como probiótico ha demostrado mejorar la función inmune y ha sido patentado varias veces.

  • Spirulina
    Spirulina platensis

    Spirulina is an algae that gained fame after NASA successfully used it as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. It isa significant source of antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, making it a superfood. It also containsa solution to protect usfrom the passage of time. Its antioxidant beta-carotene content helps safeguard the skin from the effects of solar radiation and atmospheric pollution from the inside. It also has a satiating effect that is ideal for staying slim. It is useful in sport and many trainers recommend itas a supplementbecause it improvespost-exerciserecovery and stimulates the immune system.

    Spirulina is an anti-ageing agent that provides energy and antioxidant nutrients for youthful skin and healthy hair and nails.

  • Espirulina
    Spirulina platensis

    La espirulina es un alga que se hizo famosa después de que la NASA la utilizara con éxito como suplemento dietético para los astronautas en misiones espaciales. Posee una fuente importante de antioxidantes, proteínas, vitaminas y minerales, por lo que se considera un superfood y, al mismo tiempo, una solución para protegernos del paso del tiempo. Su contenido en betacarotenos antioxidantes ayudan a cuidar la piel del efecto de las radiaciones solares y la contaminación atmosférica desde el interior. Además, posee un efecto saciante ideal para mantener la línea. Resulta útil en el deporte y muchos entrenadores deportivos la recomiendan porque también mejora la recuperación tras el esfuerzo y estimula el sistema inmunológico.

    La espirulina es un antiaging que nos aporta energía y nutrientes antioxidantes para lucir una piel joven y un cabello y uñas saludables.

  • Chlorella
    Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck

    Chlorella is a green single-celled microalgae that is among the oldest inhabitants of the planet. It is known as the food source with the highest concentration of chlorophyll, the green substance that drives photosynthesis in plants, which has antioxidant and purifying effects on the human body. As a super food, the properties of chlorella are extensive due to the quantity and diversity of natural nutrients it contains. It is ideal for detoxifying the body and skin, while also caring for hair and nails. More and more experts are recommending its inhttps://youroptimum.com/en/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=shop_orderclusion in beauty routines, both as a supplement and as a cosmetic, as its main function is to eliminate accumulated toxins that come from the modern diet, pollution, medication, and other sources.

    Studies also suggest that certain polysaccharides and peptides in chlorella have the ability to stimulate the immune system.

  • Chlorella
    Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck

    La chlorella es una microalga unicelular verde que se encuentra entre los habitantes más antiguos del planeta. Es la fuente alimentaria conocida con mayor concentración de clorofila, la sustancia verde que protagoniza la fotosíntesis en las plantas y que en el cuerpo humano produce efectos antioxidantes y depurativos. Como superfood que es, las propiedades de la Chlorella son amplias debido a la cantidad y diversidad de nutrientes naturales que posee. Así, es ideal para detoxificar el organismo y la piel y, a su vez, cuida también del cabello y las uñas. Cada vez son más los expertos que recomiendan incluir este ingrediente en las rutinas de belleza, tanto como suplemento como en cosmético, pues su función principal es eliminar las toxinas acumuladas que provienen de la alimentación actual, la contaminación, los medicamentos, entre otros.

    Además, se propone que ciertos polisacáridos y péptidos de la chlorella poseen la capacidad de estimular el sistema inmunitario.

  • AFFRON ®

    Affron® is a standardised premium saffron extract that contains a set of bioactive compounds responsible for its beneficial properties. Its eight clinical trials have shown that it can improve mood in healthy people with symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression*. In addition, studies indicatethat it acts as a regulator of anxiety between meals and is therefore considered an excellent “anti-snack” aid for keeping slim.

    The quality of Affron® lies in its origins. The selection of the local Spanish species of Crocus sativus L. and the exclusive extraction process allow the bioactive compounds to be preserved at a minimum energy cost.

  • AFFRON ®

    Affron® es un extracto de azafrán premium estandarizado. Contiene un conjunto de compuestos bioactivos responsables de sus propiedades beneficiosas. Gracias a sus 8 estudios clínicos ha demostrado su capacidad para mejorar el estado de ánimo en personas sanas con síntomas de estrés, ansiedad o depresión*. Además, los estudios muestran que actúa como regulador de los niveles ansiedad entre comidas por lo que se considera un excelente “antipicoteo” para mantener la línea.

    La calidad de Affron® reside en sus orígenes. La selección de la especie española de Crocus sativus L. y el exclusivo proceso de extracción, permite mantener los compuestos bioactivos, con un coste energético mínimo.

  • Hydrolysed marine collagen

    Collagen is an essential protein present throughout our body: bones, tendons, muscles and skin. Its main function is to provide strength, structure, and support to the skin, to maintain its firmness and youthful appearance, as well asto the joints to prevent sports injuries or discomfort due to wear and tear.

    Because collagen production decreases in quantity and quality over the years,it is important to incorporate it into the body through quality food, food supplements, and creams or serums rich in collagen for a greater effect on the skin.

  • Colágeno hidrolizado marino

    El colágeno es una proteína esencial que está presente en todo nuestro cuerpo: huesos, tendones, músculos y la piel. Su principal función es brindar fuerza, estructura y soporte tanto a la piel, para mantener su firmeza y aspecto joven, como a las articulaciones para evitar lesiones deportivas o molestias por su desgaste.

    La producción de colágeno disminuye en cantidad y calidad con el paso de los años. Por este motivo es importante incorporarlo al cuerpo mediante alimentos y complementos alimenticios de calidad y con el aporte en cremas o serums ricos en colágeno para una mayor presencia a nivel dérmico.

  • Hydrolysed marine elastin

    The loss of elasticity is a natural process. Its first visible signs (expression lines and wrinkles) appear between the ages of 35 and 40. To delay their appearance, it is advisable to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a specific skin care routine that includes products that enhance the dermis and food supplements that work from the inside.

    Elastin is a connective tissue protein that, unlike collagen, which mainly provides strength, gives elasticity to the tissues. It has great expansion capacity that resembles an elastic band. Elastin fibres are capable of withstanding a deformation of 70%, meaning they are mainly responsible for providing elasticity to the skin without causing injury.

  • Elastina hidrolizada marina

    La pérdida de elasticidad es un proceso natural. Sus primeros signos visibles, en forma de líneas de expresión y arrugas, surgen entre los 35 y 40 años. Para retrasar su aparición, conviene tener hábitos saludables de vida y llevar a cabo cuidados específicos de la piel, no solo con productos que actúen a nivel de la dermis sino también con complementos alimenticios que actúen desde el interior.

    La elastina es una proteína del tejido conjuntivo que, a diferencia del colágeno que proporciona principalmente resistencia, confiere elasticidad a los tejidos. Tiene gran capacidad de expansión que recuerda ligeramente a una goma elástica. Las fibras de elastina son capaces de soportar una deformación del 70%, es decir, son las principales encargadas en proporcionar elasticidad a la piel sin que se lesione.



Produced in Europe
Gluten free
Good Manufacturing Process
Lactose free
Organic medicinal mushrooms


You are about to discover the benefits of an ancient Atlantic way of life that will strengthen your immune and digestive systems and enhance your beauty and vitality.


11 key tested ingredients
1 optimal formula

Optimum has an exclusive formula developed from years of research into active ingredients of natural Atlantic origin and their medical-scientific studies.

The best
of the earth
Elderflower extract
(Sambucus nigra L.)
(Cordyceps sinensis)
Lion's Mane
(Hericium erinaceus)
(Ganoderma lucidum)
Standardised saffron extract
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus brevis
The best
of the sea
(Spirulina platensis)
(Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck)
Hydrolysed marine collagen
Hydrolysed marine elastin

An array of

Vitamins and minerals of natural origin with proven effectiveness on your health
(Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Zinc and Selenium)



You will immediately feel more vital, active and with more energy to face the day.


You will notice an improvement in your digestion and a more relaxed and stable mood.


Your immune system is strengthened and your ability to concentrate increases.Your hair and nails are strengthened and you will notice a more glowing and radiant complexion.


Feel your BEST, feel your OPTIMUM


2 capsules per day.

Incorporate Optimum into your daily routine, preferably in the morning with breakfast and within a few days you will begin to notice its effects, inside and out..
Suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and those who are lactose intolerant.


  • Yo Donna
  • Women Fitness
  • Vanity Fair
  • Vogue
  • El Mundo
  • Women Health
  • Glamour
  • Vogue
  • Vogue


  • "Since I started taking Optimum, my friends have been asking me if I've done something to my skin and hair. It's like a glow that's hard to explain"

    Helen Matthews, 36 (Madrid)

  • "I was feeling stressed because of my job and felt like I wasn't getting everything done with the necessary energy. One month after taking Optimum, my stress levelshavedecreased, I feel more energised, and I approach problems differently".

    Raquel García, 50 (Seville)

  • "After having my first child and returning to work, I noticed that my body had become unbalanced. Within 2 weeks of taking Optimum, I noticed my rhythm had regulated, which significantly improvedmy rest at night and my vitality during the day".

    Pilar García, 33 (Madrid)

  • "I feel more physically active, more focused, with better digestion and in a better mood. In short, healthier. I had always heard about the magic of Atlantic nature and now I understand it".

    Eduardo Galán, 39 (Valencia)

  • "A complete solution that has helped me balance body and mind in a single supplement".

    Patricia Amado, 45 (A Coruña)